karishma mehrotra
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Reporting From India
India’s largest conglomerates enter into data center infrastructure
Not social media, data and boots on the ground gave BJP its edge in 2019
Right-wing digital vigilante group outs “anti-national” posts after Pulwama
Regional political parties see success on India’s Instagram
YouTube stars earn money of off politics
How BJP used data to turn beneficiaries into a voting bloc
The first police murmurings to trace the source of WhatsApp forwards
Low-profile consulting firm manages BJP data
Most BJP Facebook ads come from outside party
NEWS (technology):
Jharkhand elections require a rethink for digital strategy
With television black out, news from Pakistan comes from social media
WhatsApp forward limit hurts political forwards
India sides with Russia and China on global cyber crime
India’s data bill ‘Orwellian’ power
India’s contact tracing app (Aarogya Setu) predict hotspots with only 1/6 positive cases
NEWS (health):
Urban frontline health worker program neglected
Data Analysis: COVID-19 spreads to the Eastern states
India’s early testing strategy logic
COVID-19 positivity rises in random testing amongst symptomatics
Data Analysis: How India’s COVID-19 testing, cases compare globally
Older Features